International Salvage and Decommissioning Group



The International Salvage & Decommissioning Committee undertakes its activities using a structured agenda that focuses on three key themes: Life, Property and the Environment.

With these three key themes in mind, the International and Salvage Decommissioning Committee aims to provide a multi-disciplinary forum in which an informed dialogue can take place in a constructive atmosphere in the International Salvage and Decommissioning Group.  Ther SUT Special Interest Group (SIG) is open to all Individual and Corporate members.  Benefits of joining include access to the Focus Pages, dealing with Technology, Marine Science, Regulation and Operation and the ability to download past SIG papers and presentations.

Please contact Jodi Roberts by e-mail at JodiRoberts@SUTHouston with any question.


Of these three themes, the safelty and preservation of human life forms the overriding concern in all circumstances.


'Property' of all types falls into two categories - it is either an asset or a liability.  In the marine environment, it is also not important how a man made object came to be there; for an object of the same size, composition and contents in the same location, the impact shall be the same.


All who operate responsibly in the marine environment wish to keep their negative impact to a minimum. In order to do this it is important to understand marine ecosystems at a fundamental level and especially how small changes can, in some circumstances, lead to wide-scale effect. This is why the interaction of engineers and technologists with marine scientists is critical, do that design may take place with the environment as well as the function in mind, and the equipment and sensors required to gather all important data that can be developed, funded and used.

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