Draft Protocol for the ISDC Web Pages

Articles and Publications

In order to make this web-based initiative work now that the framework for the international pages is largely in place, the following is proposed:
  1. The Committee must work like a Cabinet with each individual Member having responsibility for a specific Focus Area in order to spread the workload, whilst presenting one common voice.
  2. Each Member may populate their respective page to the extent and as creatively as they wish, using the web tools and resources available to Jodi Roberts, and with her guidance and input.
  3. The views expressed by the Members on their respective page shall be taken as the considered view of the Committee. They may be challenging, but not inflammatory or commercial. Wherever possible they shall be based on evidence, although theories may be put forward to stimulate debate.
  4. With respect to stimulating questions and answers:
    • all email shall pass through Jodi Roberts, who shall sift out anything in appropriate either way and identify the relevant corresponding party
    • the Member shall deal with Jodi direct and a candid relationship is to be fostered i.e. no wasting of time all round
    • no Members shall be identified personally and no direct access shall be given to Committee Members work or personal email addresses
    • no individual or corporate advice shall be given in answering questions or queries, although examples of what has been done or may be done by governments, regulators, companies and individuals may be cited.

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